Carte Clam Club is a rewards program for our most esteemed members, 55 years young or older, born in 1969 or earlier. Receive exclusive offers, an everyday 10% discount, and a free birthday meal to commemorate your big anniversary. Sign up as a new member or update your current profile in case you’ve moved, changed e-mail addresses or simply lost your card.
Not only is seafood good for you, it is good for your wallet. The more you dine with us the more you save. As a Carte Clam member, you’ll receive the following:
Receive a 10% discount at any Ivar’s Full-Service restaurants or Seafood Bars, or Kidd Valley restaurants, excluding stadiums, such as T-Mobile Park. You may use your card as often as you’d like. Keep in mind:
Please present your Carte Clam card to the server or cashier BEFORE you order. This prevents errors and helps your ordering process go smoothly
Discount does not include alcoholic beverages (the state will not allow it)
Discount is good for food only — does not include gift certificates or merchandise
Please include your tip on the total before the discount
On your next visit to any eligible Ivar’s Seafood Bar, present your Carte Clam Card and valid picture ID to receive your “Frequent Buyer” card. This card will allow you to receive one free entrée (up to $10 value) after you have purchased 10 entrees at any of our Seafood Bar locations (excludes Ivar's Acres of Clams, Salmon House, Mukilteo Landing and stadium locations). You may use it every time you visit and may receive a new card after your card (and belly) is full.
You will also be entitled to a Birthday BOGO (Buy One, Get One Free) Entrée. We will send you a birthday postcard during the month of your birthday. Bring that card, your Carte Clam Card and a picture ID to any of our eligible restaurants within two weeks of your birthday, and you’ll receive a FREE entrée (up to $20) when you purchase any entrée of equal or greater value. You don’t have to get us a birthday gift.
The above offers may not be used with any other offers or discounts, including television, radio, newspaper advertising or coupons. They are also not valid at any stadium locations.
You must smile when you use it.
For new enrollees, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for us to process your application. You will not be entitled to member benefits until after that time. For example, if you have a birthday in May, please submit an application in early to mid March.
You can visit any of our Seafood Bars, Full Service or Kidd Valley location (excluding stadiums) to fill out an application in person, or fill out the form below.